The project offers three levels of activity

Level 1: Understanding Conflicts
Understanding Conflicts in general (from definitions to all transformation processes (e.g. mediation, peacemaking, positive win-win processes). This activity level will involve around forty four hours of training.
Level 2 : Advanced Learning
Involves development of deep knowledge about church, family, and workplace conflicts, and provides the tools to be a peacemaker/mediator. This activity level is for those who wish to help people: from interpersonal conflicts, to conflict situations in the church, family, or workplace.The aim is to enable trainees to manage and transform their conflicts in a positive way. This activity level is for people who have already completed level 1. and will involve around twenty five hours of training.
Level 3 : Trainer of Trainers
This activity level provides the tools to become a trainer in peace and conflict transformation. It is a train-the-trainers approach and is for those who wish to train others at Holy Trinity Brussels and beyond (other churches and organizations). This activity level is for people who have already completed levels 1 and 2. and will require around twenty five hours of training.
Several conferences will also take place, as part of the above training programme. They will focus on:
- The nature of conflict in the context of the diversity of the church
- The joy and pain of cultural diversity
- Diversity in the church: challenges and opportunities
- Resilience and conflicts
- Forgiveness, healing and reconciliation
- Racial justice, diversity and inclusion